Master Your Nervous System, Master Your Life.

Learn to Use Breathwork And Vagus Nerve Practices
to Improve Stress Resilience and Self-Regulation


More Calm. More Focus. More Health.

Breathwork and Vagus Nerve Practices are the quickest, most powerful and effective ways to enhance and transform your state of mind and body.

Join a new revolution in mental, emotional and physical health!

⚡️ Feel more alive and energized

⚡️ Increase your emotional intelligence

⚡️ End chronic worry, overthinking and anxiety

⚡️ Improve your health issues and regulate your gut health

⚡️ Prevent unhealthy stress and burnout

✔️ You struggle with stress, mental health issues and/or physical health challenges

✔️ You are sick and tired of being lost in the wilderness of wellness, therapy, coaching, supplements…

✔️ You have hit a wall and nothing is helping you sustainably

✔️ Whenever you try to meditate, you lack focus and you can't calm your mind to save your life.

✔️ You are tired of living with your struggles and want to take back control of your life

✔️ You like practical, science backed information and skills.

✔️ You want sustainable transformation, not magic pills.

👉 My guess is that no one has ever taught you how your nervous system really works, nor have they given you the tools to work with it in a very smart way.

For things to really shift, you need both.

Because your nervous systems governs EVERYTHING – your cells, your blood vessels, your immune system, your endocrine system, your muscular system, your digestive system, your brain and brain signalling pathways … everything!


If you experience the following, your nervous system is most probably in dysregulation and this workshop might help you:

  • Chronic overthinking and difficulty switching off

  • Stressed out, under pressure or burned out

  • Emotional overwhelm

  • Easily triggered into anger, frustration or sadness

  • Anxiety, fear and panic attacks

  • Difficulty expressing any solid full-scale emotions like joy, anger or sadness

  • Depression, feeling stuck, flat or lack motivation

  • Difficulty forming lasting, healthy relationships

  • Digestive issues such as IBS, SIBO, pain, constipation or bloating

  • Immune system troubles

  • Jaw tension and grinding at night

  • Chronic pain, aches or muscle tension

  • Autoimmune issues and chronic inflammation

  • Sleep issues and insomnia

  • Long-term fatigue and brainfog

  • ADHD

  • Unhealthy habits and addictions (eg. work, food, exercise, shopping, weed...)


🧬 In this Masterclass, Breathwork meets Neuroscience, Psychology, Biohacking, and Mindfulness.

💡 Become trauma-informed, learn the language of the nervous system, and discover what it takes to become your own medicine.

👥 Harness the power of your nervous system to support healthy relationships and personal well-being.

🧠 Mastering resilience is a path to a more fulfilling and healthier life.

With an improved breathing pattern and activated vagus nerve,
you will experience:


Enhanced function of your autonomic nervous system

Lower blood pressure, cortisol and inflammatory markers

Improved sleep quality

Better cognitive performance and function

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  • The foundations of Breathwork and nervous system science

  • Vagus Nerve 101 and techniques to reset your vagus nerve

  • Polyvagal Theory and Window of Tolerance

  • Essential practices to regulate your nervous system and your emotions

  • The most effective ways to increase your stress resilience

  • Practices to complete the stress cycle and practices

  • Tools and techniques to stop overthinking, quiet your noisy mind and stay focused with confidence and calm

  • Methods to manage difficult moods and emotions with compassion

  • How to create a daily routine for your practices


Date: Sunday, August 15th 2021

Time: 4-6pm CET / 10am EST

Tuition: 44 USD ( = approx. 37 Euro)

Where: Online via Zoom

What’s included:

  • 2-hour workshop including lecture, practical exercises and Breathwork

  • An extended Q+A at the end of the workshop where I will answer all of your questions

  • A recording of the workshop for you to watch again. And if you’re unable to participate live, the recording will be automatically emailed to you within 24 hours.

  • A video tutorial teaching essential exercises.

Start your journey to become a nervous system and Breathwork alchemist.

Save your spot! 👇


The information in this workshop is for education and is not meant to replace actual therapy or instructions given by a personal therapist. It's an additional tool to learn mental health skills but is best used under the care of a local professional therapist.

This course is not medical advice. Please consult your primary care physician, therapist, or other mental health professional for individualized medical advice.


Hey there, I’m Conni Biesalski!

[Founder of Breathwork Alchemy]

I help people who struggle with stress and an unregulated nervous system get back into balance and release emotions.

I’m a certified Advanced Oxygen Advantage Instructor, Buteyko Teacher, Neurodynamic Breathwork Facilitator, Breath Coach and Yoga & Meditation Teacher.

Looking forward to meet you!

Instagram: @breathwork.alchemy